Episode 13: Interview with Amy and Brandon Conway (visual artist/comedian, and musician) / by Claudia Savage

Two artists interview two artists--with our children playing in the adjoining room sometimes, sometimes under our feet. Amy Conway is a multi-disciplinary artist whose work utilizes performance, drawing, writing, video, installation, collaboration, and comedy. Her pieces tend toward reflections of the personal. Brandon Conway is a guitarist who primarily focuses on free improvisation. He likes both minimalism and maximalism, spontaneous intuition and nerdy formalism. Amy let’s everything run together and percolate. Brandon compartmentalizes his art, work, and family life. They have two boys, Heywood and Alvah, aged 10 and 8, who love video games and comic books.

“There are so many people, [who say] ‘I don’t like kids, I mean yours are okay.’ But you know what? You can go fuck yourself.” —Amy

Brandon and Amy taking time to relax.

Brandon and Amy taking time to relax.

“Brandon and I have a long history of arguing over art…”

The Conway family wades in the surf.

The Conway family wades in the surf.

The Conway family in their mirror.

The Conway family in their mirror.









“I’m pretty adamantly against delay and looping pedals, but if someone uses them I still like them.” —Brandon

Indivisible Gallery: https://www.indivisiblepdx.com/ 

OCAC/PNCA combined MFA in Applied Craft & Design: http://acd-ocac.pnca.edu/

Creative Music Guild: https://creativemusicguild.org/

 Kickstand Comedy Space: http://www.kickstandcomedy.org/